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Running 'Naked'.

Running 'Naked'.

It's not how it sounds. Don't worry, we keep our clothes on.

People can become obsessed by data. What pace am I running, what mileage have I done, how good this will look when I upload it to my run tracker and share with friends.

I went for a run at the weekend as part of  marathon training and realised I'd forgotten to bring my running watch (I was away!). After the initial cold sweats and panic had subsided I simply planned a route on google maps (of course technology had to play a part somewhere!) and set off.

What happened next was remarkable. With no data to keep track of I was free to run to how my body felt. It was the first time in a long time that I ran with such intensity and freedom. Continually striding out as my body felt more comfortable the longer I had been running and not checking back because this pace was too fast compared to what I was planning to do was liberating. This all culminated in starting a sprint finish from a fair distance out and passing a friends dad who remarked, and I quote, "he bombed past me"!

I guess I will never know the exact distance, time, or pace, but it felt faster than the usual plod. Regardless, all miles are good miles, and you're lapping everyone sat on the sofa.

We would recommend adding in a 'naked' run to your routine once a week and run to how the body feels.

Good luck running naked, and don't forget to keep your clothes on!

PS: we've estimated it was ~14 miles at about 8:15 - 8:30 min miles.. :o)

PPS: which probably means it was 8 miles at 10 min mile pace...!

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