It Can't Be 2017 Already?
I remember back a year ago this time and looking eagerly ahead to the upcoming New Year. I love the promise of a new year. It's a brand new adventure just waiting to be tapped! What exciting things would be found waiting for me in 2016?
Well, here I am at the end of 2016 looking ahead to 2017 in a few short weeks. Again, I'm excited about all the new adventures waiting for me. BOOM! Too much fun!
Here's what is currently waiting for me in 2017.
Many of you know that since I returned back to the States from running the Berlin Marathon this past September, I have been putting in some serious miles towards my first 100 Miler. This past Saturday, I ran a 50M race as a training run for that 100M. Beginning in January, I start my taper for that race.
How can it almost be taper time already!?!
January 7, I will be running the Mississippi Blues Marathon as one of my long-ish taper runs. This will be at the beginning of my taper. The Blues is the best marathon in Mississippi! I'm excited to be running it as a Race Ambassador on it's 10th anniversary. The Blues always does it up big and I'm guessing this year will be exceptional! Their medals are always on the list of the 20 best medals in the country and the medal for 2017 is a doozie! 10 guitars. One each to represent each year of the Blues. The back of each guitar has the date of a year of the Blues....AND it spins! *I'm such a dork. I love fancy bling.*

February 4-5 will be my first 100 Miler! I'm super excited about this race!!! This race is my birthday present for turning 55. I'll run the race and then a week later celebrate my birthday! I love birthdays and this is the best birthday present ever. The countdown is on~Rocky Raccoon 100....51 days away.
I think I'll sit back and run for fun in March.

There's a teeny tiny, VERY slim chance of a bib for the London Marathon at the end of April. I have my fingers crossed for that! I've always wanted to run London!!! If London turns out to be a go, those March play miles will be marathon training miles. Gotta love it!

In Corinth, Mississippi, the first weekend of May, they hold the Coke 10K. This is my favorite 10K. I go back year after year and try to PR every year. So far, I've managed to do just that. We'll see what happens this next May!

The summer months here in Mississippi are incredibly hot and humid. All my long training runs during these months are done starting at 1:00am. This is purely survival tactics. Once the sun comes up, the temps quickly soar over 100F. Combine that with our 90+% humidity and it's a suffer fest. I have problems with heat stress. If I run during the night, the humidity is still the same but the temps are "only" in the 80'sF.
I will be doing some serious miles during the summer seeing as I'll be heading back to Chicago to run the Chicago Marathon again in October. This is exciting! I ran Chicago back in 2014. I had a concussion at the time so it was kind of a challenge to get through the 26.2 miles. *I highly recommend this race. I do NOT recommend running it with a concussion.* I'm looking forward to seeing how this race goes sans concussion.

The last race I'm contemplating for 2017 is a return to the 50 Miler I ran this past weekend...with a twist. This time I'd like to try the 100 Miler offered there! Wouldn't that be a terrific way to wrap up 2017!?! Kick off the year with a 100M and then wrap it up in a neat little bow with another 100M. Perfect!

That's my tentative plans for 2017. What are your racing plans for the new year?
I dearly love the opportunity to get together with running friends whether they be local or from around the world! The running community is the best you'll find anywhere. I'm thrilled to be a small part of it!
Wishing you many happy, fun filled miles in 2017!!!

We want to say a massive thank you to Melinda for sharing her running plans for 2017 and it sounds like a lot of exciting races coming up. It's also great to feature someone from across the pond for a change!
You can follow Melinda on Twitter via @MelindaHoward4 and keep up to date with her running.
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