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Matt Buck - Ultra running adventurer

Matt Buck - Ultra running adventurer

Our latest instalment of Be Inspired sees us catch up with Matt Buck, an ultra running adventurer and brains behind Running Adventures.

1 - How long have you been running for?

I did my first 'proper' run in 2008, the Berlin Marathon, I ran the whole thing but I was slow! So I decided to explore ultra running from that point onwards, it wasn't quite as popular back then, which maybe appealed to me. It's kinda gotten out of control ever since! 
2 - What got you in to running?
Well I only entered the Berlin Marathon because I was working on challenge events for a charity, advising people on how to run marathons was part of the gig. I felt like a fraud so thought I should do one myself, I hated running back then, it was the least favourite part of my job! 
Now I work in the running world full time, coaching, taking people trail running, working as a race director in cool places and loads more. This is where I shamelessly plug my company, Running Adventures! 
3 - What’s been your greatest achievement to date?
I'm proud to say that I've had many, but I'll probably have to go for finishing the Berghaus Dragon's Back Race this year. For those that don't know, it's the 'toughest mountain race in the world'...5 days, 315km, and almost 16,000m of ascent, that's twice up (and down) Everest! It was brutally hard, 50% of the participants didn't even finish!
4 - Do you have any rituals before or after a race that must be stuck to?
Always, ALWAYS...go to the toilet! At least twice!! Haha.
Apart from that, not really, I try to stay as calm as possible before a race. Rituals work for many people and I respect that, but for me, they only heighten your adrenaline and nerves, which can only equal one thing...going off too fast.
5 - What’s your favourite post run meal?
KFC or McDonalds probably. Disgusting I know, but I think my body craves the salt after a long day on the trails, and you won't find much more salt that in those nasty meals! 
If I'm going posh, I'll have dominos!
6 - What’s the best thing you’ve witnessed at an event (teamwork, special achievement, celebration)? 
I've seen a lot over the years, the ultra running community continuously amazes me. I've seen people give up on their goals, or even podium places, to help others that are struggling. Personally, I'll never forget a moment during the Marathon des Sables in 2014 where I got back to the tent after day 1 totally broken from the heat. I was cramping up all over and being sick. My tent mates (who were pretty ruined themselves) all rallied round to help me recover by sorting me drinks and food from my pack. 
7 - Of the races you’ve taken part in, what’s been your favourite and why?
I've loved different races for different reasons. Again, Dragon's Back sticks out purely because it was so bloody hard! I did a 3 day race on the Channel Islands called the 5 Island Ultra which was awesome, we ran round each island and travelled between them on boats and tiny propeller planes, so much fun! Plus...I won!! 
8 - When you’re not running, what’s your favourite past time?
Asides from spending time with family, I my other passions are music, football and comedy! Pretty standard answer I'm afraid, but I love nothing more than going to a punk rock show, or comedy show with friends, enjoying a few beers and having a good old time.
9 - If you could run in a race anywhere in the world, where and why?
I've got my eyes on a multi stage race in Hawaii, it looks incredible! I've been before while traveling and I'd love to go back there to race. There are loads of cool looking races in the States but they are so expensive...everyone tells me I should do the Barkley...but I suspect that is mostly Netflix's doing.

10 - If you could host a dinner party with 4 other runners (famous or otherwise) who would thy be and why? And most importantly, what would be on the menu?
This is a great question, I was shocked to have been included myself in someone's answer to this on twitter! For me, without a doubt it would be the greatest athlete of our generation;
  • Kilian Jornet.
  • Mo Farah can come too if he wants, he does alright for himself doesn't he!?
  • Forrest Gump (is that allowed?) is in, he can bring some shrimp.
  • and finally Emelie Forsberg...awesome runner, awesome cook (as far as I can tell from her instagram!) and she can translate for Kilian too! 
The menu? Well anything that involves Shrimp I guess!? 
Hearing the long distances Matt has run makes us tired just reading about it but he's been fortunate to run in some great locations.
You can find out more about Matt and his running adventures at and follow them on Twitter at @runningadv and Matt can be found at @running_bucky.
Keep an eye out for the next in our Be Inspired series coming soon and you can review the full series at Be Inspired on our website
Happy running!
Team runr.

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