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Top 5 Nutrition Mistakes Made By Endurance Athletes from endur8

Top 5 Nutrition Mistakes Made By Endurance Athletes from endur8

In the second blog from endur8 focussing on nutrition, they look at the top mistakes made by endurance athletes and we can honestly put our hands up and say we've some of these mistakes!


All serious athletes want to optimise their performance and part of the process is taking on proper nutrition at the right time. Proper nutritional intake before, during and after a long run is incredibly beneficial, an athlete will see an increase in energy, correct GI anguish, and optimise recovery time so they can get back out doing what they love.

To help you correct your bad habits, we have put together a list of 5 common nutritional mistakes list made by endurance athletes.

Skipping Breakfast

You may be use to working out or going on a nice early run on an empty stomach but if you’re serious about training then this is a habit that should be changed. It can be difficult to eat early in the morning but your body needs fuel before a run or you’ll most likely feel a sudden loss of energy at some point during your run. Your body wants to break down carbohydrates when you’re out on a run but if you have not consumed anything substantial, then your body will be forced to break-down muscle mass instead.

Trying a new product on race day

Your body will tell you a whole lot about what is right and wrong for you. That’s why it is so important to test different nutritional products in training prior to race day, it is not worth the risk! Stick to foods, gels and drinks that you know your body can tolerate well, this also applies to the night before so resist the temptation to try the new item on the menu at your local pub. If you need some fuel inspiration, consider some of the options below.

Not fuelling properly during a run

Fuelling properly during a run can be difficult due to numerous factors. Firstly, carrying fuel is likely to be a bit of an inconvenience as you will have to have somewhere to store/ hold the products. Secondly, making sure that you fuel at the correct time can be difficult. Waiting until you feel low on energy is the wrong approach as you will have already damaged your race performance, so it is vital to ensure that you fuel at the correct time. Furthermore, when taking on fuel you will still want to hydrate yourself as water will help with digestion.

Poor recovery nutrition

What you eat after a long run is just as crucial as what you eat prior to it. Your body is now in recovery mode where it is repairing itself and to make this process as efficient as possible you will need to consume an appropriate amount of carbohydrates, protein and fluids. Aim to consume 0.8g per kg of body weight of carbohydrate plus 0.2g of protein per kg/ body weight.

Following a nutrition plan designed for someone else

Every person is different and therefore standardized nutrition programs will not take into account individual differences; different race terrains will also affect the timings of nutritional intake. This is why it important to know what your body requires and to understand the demands of your race route. To help simplify this process you can download the endur8 app, the app calculates key refuelling points along any course during training and competition. Using a science-backed formula, the app creates bespoke fuel plans to help optimise your performance.


Thanks to the team at endur8 for their latest blog on the world of nutrition. The first on their series is below

1 - The Physiological effects of carbohydrates - fuelling the runner 

You can find out more about the endur8 team at and follow them on social media via the details below:

Twitter: Endur8UK
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Facebook: endur8

Happy running!

Team Runr.


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